It was not a half-hearted attempt to put the player at a disadvantage while engaging some mindless, brain-eating zombies. It was a HARD level encounter for 5th level characters and it was augmented by a trap that had split the group. It was a serious encounter.
Ogre Zombies stirred, shambling towards the ramp, ready to hammer the dwarf relentlessly.
The party’s Dwarven fighter had triggered the trap – a section of the floor had dropped, suddenly forming a ramp. In the dark chambers below, Ogre Zombies stirred, shambling towards the ramp, ready to hammer the dwarf relentlessly.
In 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, zombies (and several other forms of undead) no longer have their long-held immunities to charm and other forms of mentally influencing magic. In fact, they have poor wisdom scores and are actually rather susceptible spells of this nature.
It was an insanely easy 5k of experience to earn and the encounter was over almost before it had began.
Of the 6 Ogre Zombies, only a single one made a save and he was mowed down. The party quickly reset the trap, and with the Ogre Zombie sealed safely inside the hidden chamber, they moved on. It was an insanely easy 5k of experience to earn and the encounter was over almost before it had began.
If you are a DM, you might want to closely examine the creatures you intend to use – they may have been watered down or otherwise altered. If you are a player, Hypnotic Gaze is a green-light for combating the zombie apocalypse. In fact, being a zombie hunter could be an easy way to earn a lot of experience assuming you have hypnotic gaze available.